Electronic Security

Security Systems: international-standard electronic security solutions uniquely tailored for Papua New Guinea.
From small to big, we can look after all your security needs.
Security Systems offers a choice range of quality electronic security and communications solutions from all the leading brands, our products being selected to ensure that your security system meets your end goal requirements year after year.
Our quality products are backed by sales, service and installation from a dedicated team of technology experts who meet international standards in electronic security and communication solutions.
All our systems are uniquely tailored to work within Papua New Guinea and for you.

Products and Services
Design, integration and installation of electronic security and communications systems across PNG, with a strong emphasis on specialist remote monitoring services for emergency and safety systems. Through our central monitoring stations, we provide emergency and alarm monitoring, vehicle and personnel tracking on a 24-hour basis.
- Security monitoring service centre
- Alarm systems
- Access control systems
- Camera video security systems
- Intercoms
- Computer room monitoring
- GPS tracking devices
- In-car and personal cameras
- 2-way radio and repeater service
- Hand-held metal and walk-through detectors
- Photo identification cards
- Guards and patrols
- Energy saving and green solutions
- Security consulting
- After-sales technical services, repairs and spare parts
Providing holistic protection solutions, we offer design, integration and implementation of security systems to suit your needs.
Our focus is to optimise technical security efficiency by identifying the best solution for the level of threat operating from high to low risk environments.
Together with our sister company Guard Dog Security, we provide comprehensive security protection – helping our clients protect what matters most.

We employ a team of highly trained and licensed professionals who can design or recommended system tailored to suit client requirements and needs.
Our experienced security specialists provide technical expertise and the ability to undertake any technical aspect within the security industry.

Our Clients

Trusted Partners